Monday, January 31, 2011

Basecamp API

What is Basecamp:
The basecamp API is project management tool where the project can be created along with the related documents can also be posted. The comments can also be posted for the particular project.

What is Basecamp API:
The Basecamp API is implemented as vanilla XML over HTTP using all four verbs (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). Every resource, like Post, Comment, or TodoList, has their own URL and are manipulated in isolation.

For reference:

My Experience
I have used the Basecamp API in one of my project named which is a requirement management tool for projects, the sluiceit will integrate the Basecamp with the help of the basecamp API  the completed projects is exported to the existing project or with the help of the new project in the basecamp with the help of the API token. The completed requirments are transferred to the basecamp in the form of message along with their corresponding documents as well.
In the only the clientAdmin and the projectAdmin have the rights to export the project into the basecamp.
For more information on how it is designed in the, and the samples related to how to upload a document, create a message, todolist, milestones. You can e-mail me to gmail .

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